ψωμι ζεας δικοκκο ολικης

I’ve been fascinated by the universal craze for baking homemade bread in recent weeks, it’s obvious! I have never baked several kilos of flour in less than a month. The quarantine is probably to blame.

However, it is impressive how easy it is for someone to make their own bread. Also, kneading is relaxing, I would say almost psychotherapy. You can use any flour you want or you have it in your cupboard, you can experiment with ingredients such as nuts, seeds, pepper, the result is very interesting, just don’t put them all together! Try some each time until you find your favorite combination.

καρυδια walnuts

In this particular recipe I used broken flaxseed and nuts, they give a very nice texture and taste.

Also, you don’t have to worry about finding Emmer flour, whole wheat or any flour that is considered less common, in every supermarket there is now a wide variety of flours. All these whole wheat flours have become “fashionable”, so you will not have any difficulty in finding what you are looking for in the supermarket.

αλευρι ολικης whole wheat flour

Of course, most of them are materials that in the past, several decades ago, were in daily use and not “gourmet” as they are now considered.

αλευρι ζεας δικοκκο emmer flour

Emmer flour (Triticum dicoccum), for example, has nurtured thousands of people around the world for many years, until the early 1900s, when it began to be gradually displaced from other varieties with higher yields and easier harvesting.

ψωμι ζεας δικοκκο ολικης home made bread

However, if you are in the process of making your own bread, it is worth baking a loaf that has a higher nutritional value. We deserve it in these awkward times!

ψωμι ζεας υλικα ingredients

(for 2 small loaves with a diameter of 18 cm or 1 large 35 cm)

  • 350 gr. emmer wheat flour
  • 350 gr. Whole wheat flour
  • 1 sachet dry yeast (8 g)
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 30 g. Broken flaxseed
  • 100 gr. coarsely chopped walnuts
  • 320-350 ml lukewarm water


In a large bowl pour the two kinds of flour, make a puddle in the middle and empty the yeast, pour a little of the lukewarm water and mix it lightly.

ψωμι ζεας μειγμα nuts

Add the flaxseed, walnuts and olive oil and start kneading while slowly adding the water. Add a little salt, about a teaspoon, it gives a lot of flavor to the bread.

ψωμι ζεας ζυμαρι

You don’t need to knead a lot, just until you have a soft, pliable dough. Cover with a kitchen towel or cling film and leave in a relatively warm place in the kitchen. Leave until it doubles in volume, this will take at least 1.5 hours, depending on the room temperature.

ψωμι ζεας ζυμάρι

When the dough swells, divide it into two small pans or a larger one, after applying some oil on their surface first. Leave them to rise again for 30-40 minutes. Pierce in two or three places with straws or skewer sticks or carve them with a knife.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 50-60 minutes.

ψωμι ζεας δικοκκο ολικης

Remove from the oven, allow to cool slightly, for 10-15 minutes and then unmold.

ψωμι ζεας δικοκκο ολικης

ψωμι ζεας δικοκκο ολικης